Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP)

I have a good future and direction ahead of me, as long as I keep my focus on it and work hard…to throw it all away for a simple buzz will never be worth it. This ticket was my rock bottom. It’s sad it had to get to this point for me to open my eyes, but at least I’ve now got the help and education on this topic I need. I can now get my life back on track, and do right. — Participant in Vermont’s Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program

VACDP’S Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP) provides an alternative to the civil court process for youth who violate Vermont’s underage alcohol or marijuana laws. YSASP helps young people to understand the impact on themselves and others of using substances and to lower their risk of future use, while connecting those identified as using at high-risk levels to professional substance use clinicians.

Individuals are referred by law enforcement to YSASP, which is run by Court Diversion. Those who choose to participate in YSASP and are successful avoid having their driver’s license suspended.

Participants meet with staff for a screening and individual educational discussion. Some youth may need to meet with a substance abuse counselor for an assessment and must follow the recommendations of the counselor. Participation is voluntary and there is a program fee. If an individual chooses not to participate in the program or fails to complete the program, a ticket is issued and sent to the individual and the Vermont Judicial Bureau.

The Vermont Judicial Bureau levies a fine and informs the Department of Motor Vehicles, which suspends the individual’s driver’s license. Youth may contest the ticket through the Judicial Bureau.

There are risks associated with drinking alcohol, for young people in particular. Many of us are aware of the dangers associated with drinking and driving, and alcohol-related traffic crashes are the leading cause of death and disability among teenagers. In addition, according to The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking (2007), underage drinking:

  • Increases the risk of physical and sexual assault.
  • Is associated with poor grades, illegal drug use and tobacco use.
  • Can cause a range of physical problems ranging from hangovers to death from alcohol poisoning.
  • May affect a teen’s developing brain, which continues to grow until the late 20s.
  • Is a risk factor for heavy drinking later in life.

Youth who drink before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21. Studies have shown that two out of five kids who begin drinking before age 15 will develop alcohol abuse or dependence at some point in their lives. When they wait until they are 21, the risk for alcohol dependence drops to only one out of ten.

(Hingson, R. W., Heeren, T., & Winter, M. R. (2006). Age at drinking onset and alcohol dependence. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 160, 739-846.)