Vermont Association of Court Diversion and Pretrial Services

Court Diversion, the Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP), and the Civil DLS Diversion Program are alternatives to the traditional justice system, available in all of Vermont’s 14 counties.

These programs are run by community organizations funded by the Vermont’s Attorney General to provide the services. All of the programs are members of the Vermont Association of Court Diversion and Pretrial Services (VACDP).

Our Vision, Mission, and Values are based on Restorative Justice Principles. VACDP has
adopted this Position on Racial Injustice.

Court Diversion

Court Diversion is a restorative alternative to the court process. The state's attorney may offer Diversion to adults or youth who are charged with committing a crime (or youth charged with being delinquent). After successful completion of the program, the original charge is dismissed. Learn more about Court Diversion »

Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP)

Vermont's Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP) holds young people accountable for breaking underage drinking laws, educates them about the consequences and risks of alcohol, and identifies youth with potential substance abuse problems so they may receive treatment. The program is a voluntary alternative to a $300 fine and 90-day driver's license suspension. Learn more about YSASP»

Driver's License Suspension (DLS)

The Civil DLS Diversion Program helps people regain their Vermont driver’s license while they pay off their fines and fees. Participants work with Diversion staff to develop a contract and payment plan. After the Vermont Judicial Bureau approves the contract - and other Department of Motor Vehicles requirements are met, the person’s driver’s license is re-instated. Learn more about DLS »